Many years ago my mother, who passed away in January 2007, had an idea for a book she wanted the two of us to write together. She loved reading romance novels, and would often think of interesting ways to recreate the scenes or settings. Although usually a very practical person, she was always able to see the romantic side of things.

The book was to be all about inexpensive ways to add romance to life. And the name she came up with was Sex On A Shoestring.

More Romance In Your Life

What is it that creates romance? Good memories. You know, the kind of memories that make you smile and wish you could be back at that time and place.

Good times and good memories are shaped by emotional satisfaction. Think back on some of the best memories in your life. What is it about these times that make them special? Would you like to have that type of atmosphere more often?

What is Romance?

Most people would answer that question by saying that romance has something to do with a couple in an intimate situation, but that is only one of the possible definitions. Sometimes romance is sexy; it’s all about setting the stage and the mood for the personal things that happen between two people in love.

But sometimes romance has very little to do with sex and seduction, and is much more about warmth, caring and pampering. It’s about feeding the emotions, and stirring the soul.

Romance is about sensuality and making memories.

It means creating an atmosphere of comfort, affection and adventure: whether it’s in a book, on a date, or just some well deserved personal time and space.

Romance is making someone feel special.

Adding romance to your life means creating these types of memories. And to do that you must stimulate all of your senses.

The Sights

Picture a clear moonlit night with stars twinkling in the sky.  Now close your eyes and imagine the vibrant red, purple and golden colors of sunset at the beach or a secluded spot on a lake. Think of a table set for two with fresh flowers, fine china and sparkling crystal glasses. Envision glowing candlelight, your favorite painting or a photograph of someone you love. Now, any of these sights can inspire feelings of romance.

The Sound

Naturally everyone knows that music can be romantic. From the song played for the last dance at the prom, to the musical score of your favorite movie, to the traditional wedding procession tune; we all have background sounds for the best moments in life. And it’s not always “music”. Remember the first time you heard your child cry, or your mother’s voice saying “I love you”. Or, how about the way you feel when hearing the gentle soothing sounds of nature?

A Taste

Do you ever long for certain foods at particular times? Maybe you crave grilled cheese and hot soup when you don’t feel well because that’s what your mom always made for you when you were sick as a child. That’s what we call comfort foods and just the thought of them can often bring a smile at the memories. Cotton candy while strolling hand-in-hand at the fair. Strawberries and Champagne on your wedding night. And of course, there’s chocolate…

The Scent

There are multi-million dollar industries devoted to the fact that human beings react and are attracted to certain smells. We use candles, sprays and incenses; scented soaps, shampoos and perfumes to make our homes and ourselves smell nice. Think of how you feel when you catch the aroma of favorite foods. This is another sense that’s strongly connected to memory.

A Touch

Tactile sensations are the sense most often associated with romance. People like to touch and be touched by those they love. Human babies need skin-to-skin contact to grow and develop, and most people never outgrow that need. Remember how it felt holding hands with your first crush, your first kiss, or your last massage.

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